
Sonic mephiles the dark
Sonic mephiles the dark

at the old Soleanna castle, which only happened to be in a different country, on another continent, on the other side of the world. Shadow broke through Eggman's defenses and rescued Rouge. Rouge: txtin prez President: Rouge? Rouge: need ur help Rouge: asap President: Where are you? Rouge: im trapped n eggmans base :-O President: Alright, I'll send Shadow to get you. She contacted the President and their conversation went something like this. But even MORE unfortunately, she didn't forget how to text. Rouge, then unfortunately forgot the way out of Eggman's house.

sonic mephiles the dark

She grabbed the Scepter and managed to escape unnoticed. She knew she would only have a less than a second to steal the scepter (that's all it takes for Eggman to scarf down a whole box of egg roles). Sometime later, after a day of furious scratching, Eggman set the scepter down while he went to get his egg roles. Eggman just happened to be passing by at that moment, and he thought to himself, "I sure could use a new ass scratcher." He took the Scepter with him, and gave his old, worn out, feces covered ass scratcher to Tails as a birthday present.

sonic mephiles the dark

Years later Princess Elise threw the Scepter in the trash, after using it to pleasure herself. Shadow gave the magic spoon, known then as the Scepter of Darkness to Princess Elise. Mephiles, being just a pile of goo which looked (and smelled) like dog shit, tried to squirm away, but was captured into a magic spoon by none other, than a

sonic mephiles the dark

Iblis, the raw destructive power, created from the red jalapeño peppers on the pizza, and Mephiles, the part of Solaris with a brain, created from the purple Satan Brand Soy Sauce.

Sonic mephiles the dark